
This curated list provides diverse online resources for studying Zen Master Dogen, ranging from official temple sites to contemporary blogs, offering valuable content for both beginners and experienced practitioners interested in Dogen's teachings.

Zen rocks

Daihonzan Eiheiji: The temple founded by Master Dogen in 1244 maintains a beautiful website that includes the illustrated story of Master Dogen's life.

thezensite: Maintains links to various translations and related essays as well as a page dedicated to Dogen studies.

The Dogen Institute: "The Dogen Institute is the educational outreach arm of the Sanshin Zen Community. The Institute provides educational opportunities for all who are interested in the study of Dogen Zenji and his teachings. The primary mission of the Dogen Institute is to make available Shohaku Okumura Roshi's life work on Dogen. Okumura's translations, commentaries, and lectures will be offered through books, audio, video, and web-based materials."

Glasgow Zen Group: This group has built an incredibly handy site that summarizes each of the Shobogenzo's 95 fascicles (chapters). If you're new to the Shobogenzo this would be a worthwhile pre-read.

Zen Audio: Readings of Master Dogen's work produced by Kokuu Andy McLellan as part of his effort to make Zen and Buddhism more inclusive to people with physical disabilities and illness. You can find many of his recordings in the "Readings" section of this site.

Dogen Sangha is a worldwide group of practitioners that was originally established in Japan in 1987 by Gudo Wafu Nishijima Roshi and some of his students. Their site offers links to numerous downloadable articles, audio/video recordings, and transcribed talks about Dogen and Zen in addition to Nishijima Roshi's translation of the Shobogenzo., created by Nishijima Roshi's dharma heir Mike Eido Luetchford, is a comprehensive archive of materials related to his teacher. The site includes historical documents, audio recordings of Nishijima Roshi's talks, Shobogenzo texts edited by Luetchford and Nishijima, various published booklets, and a collection of photos and videos.

Shambhala Publications: Maintains a dedicated Master Dogen page with useful book recommendations.

Tricycle: Master Dogen has an author page that aggregates the translated works that they have published.

Lion's Roar: The magazine has a large archive of essays on Master Dogen from notable scholars and continues to add more.